In a world that sometimes seems crowded with self-glorification and introspection, a crucial question arises: where do we draw the line between sharing and getting lost in the echoes of self? Finding that balance between showing vulnerability and preserving one’s essence is more important than ever.

The importance of connecting with your body through therapy
In the noisy chaos of daily life, where every whisper often gets lost in the wind of endless stories and self-reflection, I feel the need to share a gentle, sincere sound. Although much is shared in our world, there comes a necessary moment for candid openness. Movement Matters is navigating a quiet journey of transition. The grief of parting with treasured masseurs and the curbing of growth and influx means that opportunities for massages are less frequent than you might be accustomed to. Recognizing the existing demand poses a challenge: how do we explain this delicate situation?
As we shift from summer to autumn, I find myself in an interlude of reflection, inquiry, and recovery—not without missteps. I fully acknowledge my shortcomings, especially regarding communication through various channels and updating our website. This failure, this delay, is partly due to my avoidance behavior and partly due to the overwhelming transition that has taken up both my mental bandwidth and physical energy.
Bodywork therapy: a tool for self-restoration and compassion
To my dedicated team and to everyone who has felt left out in the cold by my actions, I offer my sincerest apologies. I understand the confusion and discomfort this may have caused.
There have been times, just a few months ago, when life’s pace almost overtook me.

But today, in this breathing space, I feel called to go deeper. I recognize the silent symphony of change, like a leaf willingly surrendering to the wind.
Over the past years, I noticed an increasing number of people visiting my practice not just to explore the richness of the somatic field, but to reconnect with their bodies—some of whom had ignored their bodies so long they were desperate. This made me think about the broader picture of our existence and society.
During this time of transition, I realized something crucial: I, too, had lost contact with my own body. Despite my expertise and knowledge, I felt overwhelming shame.
Yet, this moment of realization was also a turning point. There is strength in vulnerability. Acknowledging our challenges and shortcomings does not weaken us; it makes us human. It enables us to truly connect with ourselves and with others.
Embracing change through bodywork therapy
My body, a miraculous compass, whispers secrets of recovery and wholeness. There is hope in those sensations—a promise that even in moments when we feel lost or shattered, there is always a path of return.
We live in a world of excess, a kaleidoscope of emotions, stories, and information. Sometimes it’s too much. But in that cacophony, I seek the silence, the spaces between words, the breathing pauses. The moments when we can truly connect, see each other not just with our eyes, but with our entire being.
I dream of a space where bodywork is more than a touch—it’s a movement of mind, body, and all that is unknown. A fusion of wonder and therapy, of questions and discoveries. A sanctuary where you can discover your self-healing capabilities, pick up the subtlest signals from your body, and tune in to your true self.
In this quest, amid the familiar and the unknown, I invite you to join me in embracing the beauty of transience, of the simple and the unfathomable. A place where we can connect, grow, and experience the magic of this moment.

I want you to know that the journey to self-restoration is not always easy. It requires courage, patience, and above all, compassion. But I am here to guide you, to share my insights, and to walk together on a path of healing and understanding.
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