door Marielle kleyn Winkel | sep 16, 2024
Project BLOB BLOB was born from the desire of Ulrike Scholtes and Marielle Kleyn Winkel to explore new avenues of artistic research. The name is inspired by the blobfish, a deep-sea creature that only takes form under the immense pressure of the ocean depths,...
door Marielle kleyn Winkel | aug 8, 2024
Project Amorph Amorph: An investigative, sensory, and poeticexploration of the elusive (human) fabric”Amorph” is an artistic endeavor that delves into thefluid and often indistinguishable boundaries betweenhuman bodies and the natural environment....
door Marielle kleyn Winkel | aug 8, 2024
Project SUB.FLUX Sub.Flux combines somaticmovement with drawing and paintingto deepen artistic expression andphysical awareness, offeringparticipants a way to explore andcommunicate their internal states. The project’s heart lies in usingsomatic practices to...
door Marielle kleyn Winkel | aug 8, 2024
Project Licht and Frame a collaboration with 77 Stolen Fish and visual artists at L’AtellierEnrico Pietracci. Berlin Unbalanced existences becoming conscious oftheir own condition. Shapes emerging from the frame- crossing the threshold between two-dimensional...
door Marielle kleyn Winkel | aug 8, 2024
Project EKHO “EKHO” is an performance that combines the physical intensityof theatre with the expressive power of dance to exploreabsurdity and nonsense. It examines the subtleties ofcommunication, challenging the traditional distinctionsbetween sense and...