In former blogs, we have explored the fascinating world of fascia—an essential yet often overlooked aspect of our body. From its basic definition and functions to its metaphorical significance, its relationship with chronic pain, and various treatment methods, it is...
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Fascia, explore a healthy balance
Fascia release treatment: an ancient wisdom, newly discovered Fascia release treatment, a technique deeply rooted in both holistic naturopathy and traditional medicine, is gaining popularity as an effective way to address pain and dysfunction. Below, we explore what...
Fascia and chronic pain: the importance of healthy fascia
How to keep your fascia healthy and prevent chronic pain Fascia plays a crucial role in preventing chronic pain. Healthy fascia can make a big difference in how our body functions and handles stress. In this blog, we explore simple methods to keep your fascia healthy...
Fascia: A metaphor for connection and cohesion
jul 1, 2024 | Fascia, Philosophy
Fascia: A metaphor for connection and cohesion My poetic nature can't help but see metaphors everywhere. In the quest for a deeper understanding of the human body and our relationship with nature, the concept of fascia offers a powerful metaphor. Fascia, the web-like...
Tensegrity and fascia: the architecture of our body
jul 1, 2024 | Fascia
In the world of fascia and body structure, the concept of 'Tensegrity' often comes up. This fascinating concept, derived from 'Tensional Integrity,' was introduced by the visionary thinker and architect Buckminster Fuller, affectionately known as 'Bucky.' His...
Fascia – What is it ?
jul 1, 2024 | Fascia
Fascia – An Introduction Lately, this wondrous tissue has fascinated me to the core: Fascia. A few decades ago, both the dance world and Western medicine became increasingly captivated by this intricate substance in our bodies. At that time, my ex-partner, a...
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